Think of your child's comp card as a passport to the world of modeling. Your kid's comp card (aka composite card) is not only a mini modeling portfolio it is also their passport to the world of modeling - and it needs be as up to date and professional looking as possible as a casting director will usually make up his or her mind whether to put your comp card in the 'good' pile instead of the 'reject' pile in two seconds or less.
Think your kids don't need up to date and looking professional comp cards? A great looking comp card will make them stand out. A great looking comp card says, "I'm a professional, I need to be taken seriously, I will show up on time, I am good at this and I'm worth $1000 a day (or more)" while amateur looking modeling photographs and comp card say just the opposite.
Still think your kids don't need up to date and professional looking photographs and comp cards? Then why does every successful working child model in the world have them? And why does every top modeling agency in the world have big racks full comp cards on their walls? Virtually all of the top child modeling agencies in the world have big racks full of age 3 and up boys and girls comp cards on their walls and virtually all of them advise: "Your modeling portfolio photographs need to be no more than 6 to 8 months old and you must have 20 to 30 printed comp cards on file with us at all times. Digital copies are not sufficient."
For FREE ASSISTANCE with finding expert child model comp card and modeling portfolio photographers with decades of experience that also excel at photo retouching, design and printing click HERE
For FREE ASSISTANCE with finding expert child model comp card and modeling portfolio photographers with decades of experience that also excel at photo retouching, design and printing click HERE
Zed Pro Comp Cards . Best in model comp card photography, modeling portfolio photography, headshot photography, retouching and comp card printing serving all major markets including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Orange County, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, San Diego, San Francisco, Phoenix, Miami, Miami Beach, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia, Denver, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and all points in between. Modeling portfolio and comp card photographs on this web site courtesy of Moda Bambini Kids Photography and Moda Product